3 Part Training

Demystify Aircraft Tech-Docs 

This Training comes with 30 days FREE access to the AME Community + Course Certificate
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Elevate your Engineering know-how with an Insider's Perspective 

The MEL your new BFF

In this session, we look at the ins and outs of the Minimum Equipment List.  If used to its full extent, it is a very handy tool for the operation (or the aircraft operator). 

Wherever you can, whenever the opportunity arises, browse through the MEL.  It is amazing what you can learn about the aircraft and its systems.   Not only does this give you the familiarity with which you get with the systems, it is also keeps things current in your "short-time memory".  

The FCOM Hack

In this session we get stuck into learning more about the FCOM - the Flight Crew Operations Manual.

Although the document we are using here is purely an OPS document, from an instructors perspective, it contains masses of information that would enable engineers and pilots alike, to better understand the aircraft systems.

The Magic behind the MPD

In this session we explore the MPD.

We chose this one because we believe this to be a very underrated Manual and one where many different departments within the CAMO or engineering team have to interact and cooperate with one another for this to work.

We also look at the job the PLANNER does and how an important cog the planning is in the whole machine of engineering in aviation.

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Meet Chris

Chris, "The PART 66 Consultant", is a dedicated educator with over 35 years of experience in the Aviation Industry.

Chris has worked in various roles both on the hangar floor and in the management side of things.
His passion is education, he promotes constant learning and is a big believer in taking initiative and being an active learner.
So, if you are taking the time to purchase and watch this recording, you are his kind of person.