A Short Course 

A series of videos to guide you through the 5 necessary phases of designing a course in the Aircraft Maintenance Industry.

PLUS this short course comes with 30 days FREE access to the AME Membership where you can connect with others who have completed the course.

Purchase for only $29

Video 1 The TNA

A closer look at the Training Needs Analysis or TNA. Why do we need it? What's in it? Why is it so important? Plus the importance of peer-reviewing the TNA. Downloads include

  • A Blank TNA Template
  • A copy of Chris's TNA
  • A Peer Review Template

Video 2 The Syllabus

A closer look at the syllabus or course plan. Why do we need it? What's in it? Why is it so important? Downloads include:

  • A Course Syllabus Template


Video 3 The Lesson Plan

A closer look at the Lesson Plan.Why do we need it? What's in it? Why is it so important? Downloads include:

  • A Lesson Plan from OEM
  • A Course Guide Template FT
  • A Course Guide Template PT

Video 4 Assessments

A closer look at what to take into consideration for both theory and practical assessments. Downloads include:

  • A Pactical Assessment Template


Video 5 Course Feedback

A closer look at why course feedback is important and what to collect. Downloads include:

  • A Student Feedback Form Template
  • A Post-Course Instructor Review Template

Purchase this fantastic resource now.

Buy here for only $29