Initial SRM Training

Designed for aircraft mechanics seeking to increase their knowledge of aircraft structures and how to navigate the STRUCTURAL REPAIR MANUAL. 

You will learn how damage is identified, recorded, repaired and RELEASED in accordance with the SRM by the subject matter experts.

What will be covered:

  • Types of Damage and their Classification (20 minutes)
  • Metallic and non-metallic aircraft components on aircraft (20 minutes)
  • Damage Mapping – recording (20 minutes)
  • What do I need to know – recording a dent (20 minutes)
  • What do I need to know – recording a scratch (20 minutes)
  • What do I need to know – recording a Lightning Strike (20 minutes)
  • Net presentation time 2 hours

Certificate provided.

Training comes with 30 days FREE access to The AME Community - a place to connect with Chris and other like-minded professionals around the globe.

What People Are Saying:

The training was highly valuable and insightful, deepening my understanding and significantly enhancing my skills. The knowledgeable instructor and well-structured content made the experience both enjoyable and enriching.

Abdessamed B

The training has given me a different perspective for looking at the aircraft structure, especially the design concept and its applications.

Praseed KS

Detailed and comprehensive. An informative lesson to understanding the basics of how to use the SRM.

Vladimiros M

The training was perfect and really beneficial in my professional career as an Aircraft Maintenance Technician.

Alassane D

A great intro into the navigation of the SRM. It was informative and I was engaged for the whole presentation.

Brendan R

Thoroughly enjoyed the course. To have the fundamentals of the SRM explained as well as the basics of damage assessment and mapping of common damage types was incredibly helpful.

Scott R

$29.00 USD